Individual Journeys
Still River Travels: Individual Journeys
These Still River Travels courses were previously taught in a group format and are available for individual purchase. The course content and format are identical to the group format and focus on learning resilience promotion skills. They are not therapy or intended to be a substitute for therapy. The courses are 400 USD for standard registration, 350 USD for K-12 teachers, first responders and current students.
Decreasing Stress & Remaining Present-Centered
COVID, global warming, oppression, societal divisions, work-life tug-of-war, economic struggles…Life is challenging right now. It is easy to understand why we feel stressed and overwhelmed. How do we remain grounded when we feel daily life pressures stacking atop each other and unbalancing us? Jennifer will lead participants through exercises designed to reduce stress and foster resilience. Participants will learn how to identify subtle and clear signals that their stress levels are rising and how to match coping strategies to current needs.
Shifting Self-Talk from “Bruising” to “Beneficial”
Our self-talk shapes our reality and most of us listen to critical inner dialogue more frequently than we would prefer. Negative self-talk fuels internal environments we don’t want (stress, frustration, sadness, shame, helplessness) and steals energy from what we do want (resilience, joy, excitement, curiosity, growth). Jennifer will explore the impact of our self-talk on mindset, motivation, and well-being. Participants will learn how to incorporate growth mindset principles into their appraisal of daily life events and how to recognize when their internal dialogue shifts from “beneficial” to “bruising.”
Reframing “Challenging Times” as “Growth Opportunities”
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Typically, however, we find ourselves retreating to a fantasy about our next beach vacation instead of reaching for the next challenge that ultimately will make us stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Jennifer will explore the synergy that occurs when we combine a growth mindset with mindfulness, meditation, and self-compassion practices. Participants will learn how our thought processes about challenging situations shape our emotional experiences, affect our stress levels, and influence our decisions, and how mindfulness practices help us remain present-centered during challenging times. Course price: 250USD standard registration, 200USD for K-12 teachers, first responders, current students.
Balanced Living: Turning Core Values into Action items
When you examine today’s agenda, do you feel a sense of dread or an inner smile as your excitement rises? When our agendas and to-do lists align with our core values, our sense of purpose increases, our stress levels decline, and our overall life satisfaction heightens. Jennifer will help participants identify their core values and encourage a deeper exploration of why particular values are meaningful and necessary for our emotional well-being. Participants will examine the relationship between stress and core values and identify strategies to create daily life agendas that are values-based and meaningful.